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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Blog Exercise Week 7

      Here I found a poster of a surf competition that was held in newport just a little bit ago. Since I want to work for a surf company, I thought maybe I could eventually design these types of posters for advertisement. When I look at this poster, I am directed to the image in the background that is faded out into a grayish color and is basically the whole poster. For the pre attentive features such as color, motion, shape, and overall spatial layout, I think the designer did a good job on keeping things well organized while making it feel very oceanic to go with the waves. The overall color is blue, with different shades of blue, the brightest part being in the middle top of the picture. I find only one shape in this poster and that is squares. There are many different types of squares and rectangles all converging to overlap each other making my eye path more smooth. The background image creates really nice depth to the poster because it adds a nice horizon that makes it feel as though we are looking out over the ocean. Finally, for motion, I feel lacks slightly. I find that I basically start from the top and go down, where at the bottom we find sponsors and information. 

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